The road to VAT (indirect tax) Automation: Harmonize – or at least clean up - your tax codes

20+ years of experience in VAT automation motivated me in writing the ‘road to VAT automation’. I tried to formulate it in different topics. This is the third one whereby I discuss the set-up of the tax codes. Tax codes are crucial from a VAT perspective, not only for VAT automation purposes. My texts are meant to trigger discussion: How did you cope with VAT Automation in your company? What experiences you want to share? What questions you have? I will be using the word 'VAT' throughout the entire blog, but it does cover indirect tax systems called GST as well as sales tax. Off we go again ... let's continue on the road to VAT Automation. Tax codes are often the key drivers for VAT automation, so it is very important to pay a lot of attention to the set-up. Tax codes set-up The greenfield approach If you are in the luxuriously position to be able to start from scratch, the greenfield approach, then you simply must grab the opportunity to harmonise the set-up of y...